Frequently Asked Questions

What will my first appointment be like?

Each patient is scheduled for a 45-60 minute one on one session with a physical therapist. The first visit will include a full intake of medical history and a physical therapy evaluation which may include an internal assessment of your pelvic muscles. Light exercises are often performed in the first visit. A personalized plan of care will be developed between you and your therapist. You will receive exercises for homework.

Do I need a referral to come?

Needing a referral depends completely on your insurance!

If you have Medicare or a Medicare Advantage plan, you do need a referral from a medical doctor. That could be your primary care, gynecologist, urologist, etc.

If you have Anthem PPO or POS you do not need a referral. If you have Anthem HMO, you then do need a referral.

If you are self pay/using your out of network benefits, you do not need a referral. However, if you do have a doctor you’ve spoken with regarding your pelvic floor issues, we would love to communicate with them to update on your progress!

What is internal work? Can I opt out?

Pelvic physical therapy is the assessment and treatment of muscles that make up your pelvic floor. In order to adequately assess the full scope of your diagnosis, we perform an internal vaginal or rectal exam. Doing an internal examination is not a requirement for the therapy treatment although it is highly recommended. We will always work with you at your comfort level. Don’t worry, no speculums or stirrups are involved!

Can I still come if my period starts?

We deal with everything that comes with the pelvis! If you are actively on your period, it does not hinder any part of our treatment. You can opt out of internal work, but if you feel uncomfortable, you can of course reschedule your appointment.

I am a man, how would pelvic physical therapy benefit me?

Men have pelvic muscles and can experience all similar symptoms and diagnoses of pelvic muscle dysfunction. Diagnoses of pelvic pain, prostatitis, erectile dysfunction, urinary and fecal incontinence, and constipation can all be treated by a pelvic physical therapist.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to give our office a call at 770-709-5519! We look forward to working with you!